Depature Nashville, Tennessee - Thursday
09-02-04 - 12:00pm central
Holland, Michigan ("Drew's Country Camping) - Friday 09-03-04
Holland, Michigan ("Drew's Country Camping) -
Saturday 09-04-04
Holland to Muskegon
Michigan - Sunday - 09-05-04
Muskegon to Ludington Michigan -
Ludington, Michigan to Manitowoc,
Wisconsin (S.S. Badger)
to Fon du Lac to Milwakee - 09-07-04
Milwakee,Wisconsin (afternoon with
aunt lee) - 09-08-04
Milwakee thru the Dells to Adams,
Wisconsin - Thurdsay - 09-09-10
Adams, Wisconsin - Friday - 09-10-04
Adams-Friendship, Dells, Baraboo
Wisconsin (signs) -Saturday - 09-11-04
Hwy 82 to Mauston, Wisconsin - Sunday -
Adams, Wisconsin - Monday - 09-13-04
Adams,Wisconsin - Superior, Wisconsin -
Tuesday - 09-14-04
Northern Wisconson to Apostle
Islands - Wednesday - 09-15-04
Duluth, Minnesota to International
Falls, Minnesota Thursday - 09-16-04
International Falls, Minnesota. -
Winnipeg, Manatowba, Canada -Friday
Gone Fishing
Point du Bois, Canada Saturday and Sunday 09-18th
&19th - 04
Winnipeg, Canada to Thunder Bay Ontario Canada - Monday - 09-20-04
Thunder Bay,Canada to Wa Wa, Ontario Canada - Tuesday - 09-21-04
Wa Wa Canada to Toronto, Canada - Wednesday - 09-22-04
Toronto &
Niagra Falls - Thursday - 09-23-04
Toronto - Friday - 09-24-04
Buffalo, New York to Utica New York - Saturday - 09-25-04
Utica, New York to Boston, Mass. - Sunday - 09-26-04
Boston, Mass. to Manchester, New Hampshire - Monday - 09-27-04
Manchester, New Hampshire to West Dover, Vermont - 09-28 thru 10-04-04
West Dover, Vermont to New York City, New York - 10-04 thru 10-6-04